Generations PAL, the book, will launch on February 14, 2021. Get ready for the next national bestseller.
We have five generations in our lives, and four active generations in our professions. This makes for an interesting and unique time in our home place and workspace. In Generations PAL, we explore the events and trends that shape each generation, and then, we will learn practical ways of working and living with each generation using patience, aptitude, and laughter.
Here are the generations that we will focus on the events and know our different characteristics and behaviors:
- Traditionalists (Gen U and V)– Born before 1944 (I combine Tom Brokaw’s Greatest Generation and the Veterans Generation into one),
- Baby Boomers (Gen W) – 1945 – 1960,
- Latchkey Kids (Gen X) – 1961 – 1976,
- Millennials (Gen Y) – 1977 – 1995,
- Medials (Gen Z) – 1996 – 2015.
This interactive session provides an historical lesson on the events and developments that have affected each generation and all generations, such as World War II, the Great Recession, 9/11, and COVID-19. After our historical journey, we’ll learn how to use patience, aptitude, and laughter to work and live with multiple generations.
With our digital and instant gratification era, we have become the Age of Information and Impatience; you’ll discover ways of developing patience to live and work in a more peaceful way. With our aptitude, we’ll know how to educate each generation and learn effectively across the generations. You’ll learn the different characteristics of a Baby Boomer, Latchkey Kid, and Millennial supervisor and manager. Finally, we’ll use humor and laughter to communicate across the generations and know how each generation communicates very differently.
After this session, participants will be able to:
- Know the generations’ name and timeframe,
- Understand events and how they impact each generation,
- Develop patience for peaceful and long-lasting business and personal relationships,
- Use our aptitude to help and educate each generation correctly,
- Reduce stress and communicate successfully with humor and laughter.
No matter your generation, let’s learn how to work and live successfully across the generations with Generations PAL.