Microsoft Office Specialist Certification Study/Support Group Webinar 6

Hi, Let’s continue to Excel @ Excel. With our webinar 6 on Wednesday, March 25, 2015 at 7:00 PM EST. we will increase our Excel learning and march into success as we prepare for the Excel 2013 Core exam. This webinar focuses on the differences between Excel 2010 and 2013 which there are many. Generally, the Microsoft Office Specialist Exams emphasize new features and functionality of the latest and greatest product version. After exploring the new features in 2013 Excel, we will take a practice exam on the new project based 2013 Excel certification. Put on your geek hat as we excel at Microsoft’s Excel 2013.

Register at this link:

So let’s learn 2013 Excel’s new features and prepare for our MOS certifcation. ENJOY!