Glad to be here! Here are links to my materials for our sessions! Enjoy!
Glad to be here! Here are links to my materials for our sessions! Enjoy!
Hi, Let’s continue to Excel @ Excel. With our webinar 6 on Wednesday, March 25, 2015 at 7:00 PM EST. we will increase our Excel learning and march into success as we prepare for the Excel 2013 Core exam. This webinar focuses on the differences between Excel 2010 and 2013 which there are many. Generally, the Microsoft Office Specialist Exams emphasize new features and functionality of the latest and greatest product version. After exploring the new features in 2013 Excel, we will take a practice exam on the new project based 2013 Excel certification.
Register at this link:
Here is the replay link after Registering:
So let’s learn 2013 Excel’s new features and prepare for our MOS certifcation.
Our seventh MOS Study/Support group webinar consisted of PowerPoint 2013 and new features. The webinar displayed areas of PowerPoint for which the certification exam will cover. After demonstrating using features of PowerPoint, I took a practice project exam and scored a 1000! Shocking, I know. So, please watch perfection in PowerPoint exam in progress. ENJOY! Here are the registration and replay links. You must register, if you haven’t already, and then you may view the webinar at no cost. THANKS!
Registration Link:
Replay Link:
Hi, Let’s continue to Excel @ Excel. With our webinar 6 on Wednesday, March 25, 2015 at 7:00 PM EST. we will increase our Excel learning and march into success as we prepare for the Excel 2013 Core exam. This webinar focuses on the differences between Excel 2010 and 2013 which there are many. Generally, the Microsoft Office Specialist Exams emphasize new features and functionality of the latest and greatest product version. After exploring the new features in 2013 Excel, we will take a practice exam on the new project based 2013 Excel certification. Put on your geek hat as we excel at Microsoft’s Excel 2013.
Register at this link:
So let’s learn 2013 Excel’s new features and prepare for our MOS certifcation. ENJOY!
I have had several requests for 2010 and 2013 Excel MOS webinars. So let’s plan Excel 2010 on Tuesday, February 24, at 7:00 PM EST and Excel 2013 in March. We will work with important formulas and functions in Excel that we are likely to be tested on the exam. I will teach about the syntax of formulas and functions and the different reference types and offer best practices for creating and editing formulas and functions. Then we will take a practice 2010 Excel core exam through GMetrix. If any one has passed an Excel 2010 core exam, let me know; everyone would love to hear of your experience and advice.
Here’s the link for the February 24 MOS Webinar.
In March, we march on to Excel 2013/365 and the more difficult project based exam for 2013 Excel core. In the future get ready for the All Powerful and All Difficult project based Excel Expert 2013 which is unbelievable in the power of new Pivot Tables and new functions. I have asked Melissa Esquibel, MCT and Master at the 2013 level (and beyond to infintity!), to help us through the exam and preparation. .
The future is NOW! Do you know 75% of organizations will convert to Office 2013/Office 365 by next year, based on my IT and HR contacts? As an example. I have one nonprofit and one government agency as clients, that are converting to Office 2013/Office 365 from Office 2007 and 2010 in March for which I am very grateful. Practice, Prepare, and Plan for the future of Microsoft Office with these webinars for 2010 and 2013.
So put on your math hat as we concentrate on formulas and functions. Let’s excel with the MOS 2010 and 2013 Excel exams.
Fall in love with being an organizational maestro with Microsoft’s OneNote – a notebook for the digital age. I love my clients and friends and celebrate with technology gifts of Microsoft’s OneNote. Let’s learn and have fun – download the 2010/2013 OneNote Manual as a PDF and register for the webinar. Webinar is W
ednesday, February 18, 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM – use the Discount Code – loveonenote to register and attend at no fee with this link. Enjoy!
Thanks to Kathi Robinson, CAP-OM and MOS, our webinar proved successful with educating everyone on theses items:
After her interview, we demonstrated taking an Access 2013 project oriented training exam.
If you have not registered, you will need to register before watching the replay.
Here is the Registration Link:
Here is the Recording Link:
Our next webinar is Tuesday, February 27, 2015 at 7:00 PM EST. Let me know the application and version that you would like for our webinar.
Happy Computing and best wishes on your certification path.
New Year! New Learning! If you made a resolution for the year, I hope you will resolve to certify in the Microsoft Office application in which you “enjoy” working. We will have Kathi Robinson, CAP-OM and MOS tell us her experience in certifying in 2013 Access which she accomplished on December 29 – Congratulations to Kathi!
Kathi is an Executive Assistant, CAP-OM at American Transmission Company, Madison, WI and she lives in Cottage Grove, WI. She sat for her first MOS exam in February 2008 and completed her Access 2013 certification in December with many tests in between. In fact, she has multiple application certifications in the 2003, 2007, 2010, and now 2013 versions. Kathi will share her experience in taking her first project based exam and her tools she used to certify.
We will close our time with taking a practice Access exam. I look forward to our helping each other in our career and certification paths during the New Year.
Here is a link to the Registration form: |
Hi, Everyone!
Special thanks to Richard Hemma, Senior Director of Sales Corporate and Commercial Pearson – Certiport for his presentation and information. He provided valuable information on the value of certifications, taking exams, location issues, and offered members of this MOS Study/Support Group a free trial of GMetrix – the practice test and training tool for MOS certifications. You will want to register and view this webinar. Here are the links: Registration link and Recording link.
Here are quick notes from the webinar and our plan for 2015.
In 2015, we will continue our monthly (or so) webinars with the next webinar in mid-January. We will update our certification plan and process and answer several exam questions for two applications. Plan now to make your New Years resolution about certifying next year and perhaps as you wait for Santa take some practice tests and study! I’ll send the content, date, and time for January’s webinar after January 2. Happy Holidays and Enjoy your learning.
We’ll have our third and final MOS webinar for this year on November 4, Tuesday. We are honored to have Richard Hemma, Sales Director at Certiport, as our featured speaker. Please forward questions to me for Richard to address by Monday, November 3, afternoon. While I’m sure he will answer questions on line, let’s plan and prepare in advance as much as possible. Our webinar begins at 8:00 PM EST on November 4, Tuesday, so go vote and then attend our webinar.
I am honored to present in February – April for the International Association of Administrative Professional’s (IAAP) TEC 15 conferences. These technology conferences cover a wide range of technology and office productivity sessions and span a variety of job titles from Administrative/Executive Assistants to Program Managers/Coordinators, Project Managers and Coordinators, CPAs, Lawyers, you name the job title and these conferences benefit. Here is a list of cities and dates:
Here’s the link for more information:
I’m teaching Microsoft’s Office Applications including Data Analysis and Functions of Excel, PowerPoint Pizzazz, Take Note! It’s OneNote, and performing my popular technology humor show, “Technology Bytes: And it just bit my funny bone” at lunch.
Here are links to some of my sessions:
Hi! Here is information about our Microsoft Office Specialist Certification second webinar. My plan for Webinar 3 is to have Richard Hemma, Certiport – Sales Director, answer questions that you provide in advance and give us insightful tips on taking the exams, the process, etc. My plan is to have this the week of November 3 or November 10, so stay tuned. We will plan our fourth webinar for mid-January. I want to thank Vanvisa for the information below and Richard for helping us with Certiport and certifications. Thank you and look forward to our webinar in November.
Here’s a link to replay the second webinar Please ensure you register for this webinar first and then use your login and password to replay; here is the registration link:
Thank you to Vanvisa Sivali, CAP-OM, MOS for the terrific and helpful information and links below.
1) IAAP Options Technology
For those who are certified CAP or CAP-OM, there is an additional discount available for Options Technology purchases. The discount is not available online; this is the link to the information:
2) 2013 MOS Exam Format
I don’t recall if this was mentioned in the first session, but the exam format has changed for 2013 MOS testing and I didn’t think the G-Metrix exam really reflected the change. I thought it could be helpful to share the demo video: I read somewhere on the Certiport website that additional changes to the testing format were being made as well; the changes will be effective this month.
3) MOS Exam Objectives
I found knowing the exam objectives very helpful to prepare for my exams. I think it could help other people and maybe it would be good just to point them to the link where they can find them:
4) Certiport MOS Bundle Offer
I’m not sure if you know about this already, but every so often, Certiport offers a special deal to IAAP members for testing bundles that include online training and testing vouchers which are good for 90 days. I purchased the bundle for one of my previous MOS certifications and found it useful and economical. I contacted Certiport to find out the end date for the promotion but customer service said they didn’t have an end date at this time. It might be good to mention this as there could be IAAP members who are in the study group and ready to take at least one exam sooner:
Thanks for the great feedback from our first webinar. Our next webinar is Tuesday, September 23 at 8:00 PM EST. Here’s the link to register: MOS Webinar 2 Join in! You may always replay this and previous webinars at your convenience. Here’s our agenda for Tuesday:
Richard Hemma, Director of Sales, at Certiport will be a featured guest soon on our webinar and we’ll hear from those who have passed several certifications and their experience and advice at future webinars, so enjoy!
Our first Microsoft Office Specialist Study/Support Group’s webinar held on August 27 got us off to a great start with 76 attendees. I apologize for some of the audio difficulties, and my verbal fillers, such as “ok”, “um”, etc. As a professional speaker, I detest verbal fillers and became a victim with this session. Since this is a very interactive session and I’m nervous taking tests anyway and then to do so in front of 76 folks really added to my anxiety and verbal fillers. In spite of these “challenges”, we learned a lot and had a good time. I believe you will find this webinar helpful as you prepare for your MOS certifications in the months ahead. Enjoy. Here is the link to replay the webinar.
Also, here are links to the PowerPoint presentation and to the Certiport $75 practice test for a year deal. Also, attendees requested my TIPS form that I use in my management and leadership presentations for mentoring, tasks, and performance management, so I have included the PDF link below to the TIPS sheet. On the webinar, I show my TIPS form for my plan to certify in 2013 PowerPoint by September 30.
PowerPoint presentation as a PDF file.
Certiport $75 annual practice test deal.
Let’s plan the next webinar for Tuesday, September 23, 8:00 PM EST. I’ll have an agenda the closer we get to the date. Thanks to everyone and look forward to our time together in the next 18 months.