Have you thought, “I am so stressed out; I don’t know what to do!” Particularly in 2020’s, we need to manage new levels of pressure and stress with our working and living more at home, social distancing, and civil unrest. Our SMILE session is for you. You’ll learn how to manage stress and avoid burn out using our SMILE acronym. Here’s an outline of our SMILE acronym:
- S-Smile – Smiling and laughter have therapeutic benefits and reduce stress,
- M-Motivation – Loss of purpose and motivation causes burn out, you’ll know when to quit,
- I-Inspiration – Genuine inspiration comes from being in the spirit and having faith to defeat stress,
- L-Light Heart – Develop a positive attitude and use humor for overcoming pessimism,
- E-Entertainment – Have hobbies and avocations.
This interactive workshop features ways to manage stress. Pressure and stress are natural; burn-out is not natural. Proactively address pressure, so the pressure does not turn to stress. Often times, stress is unavoidable, and we must have positive, optimistic approaches to managing the stress. We’ll learn how prolonged stress and loss of purpose bring on burn-out. You’ll need to know when enough is enough and time to quit. Let’s bust the stress with tools and tips on combating pressure, stress, and burn-out with our SMILE session
After this session, participants will be able to:
- Know the differences between pressure, stress, and burn out,
- How to act, not react, to negativity,
- Hesitate to procrastinate, don’t put off your deadlines, goals and tasks,
- Communicate effectively and avoid stress by saying the right thing at the right time to the right person,
- Know your motivation and purpose,
- Use inspiration and faith to overcome bad times,
- Develop a sense of humor and positive outlook,
- Entertain yourself with hobbies, avocations, and laughter.
Let’s SMILE and defeat stress and never have burn-out.